Tools & Calculators
Our collection tools to help new home builders achieve great outcomes on their new home build.
New Home Building Blog
A collection of resources to make the new home building journey easier.
Resources by Topic
What insurance do I need to ask for from my new home builder?
Here is a quick guide on what insurance certificates to ask for before making any deposit payments on your new build.
How do you know the best building materials for facades?
A quick guide to choosing facades for your new home build.
5 Myths to know about Building Contracts
This blog busts unhelpful myths I've heard over the past year about building contracts. Knowing the truth behind these myths can save you $$$ during your build!
10 Simple Tips to minimise variations on your New Home Build
No one likes unexpected costs or delays, especially when you're building your dream home. Here are my 10 simple tips to keep variations down during your new home build.